In Honor of the Diamond Classic  75th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally  I have to pay Homage to my home state, my stomping grounds and my community. I’ve been an attendee to this classic rally for most of my life after all, it’s in my family’s backyard. I rented our house out to bikers for a number of years and took my biker family camping 11 miles away during the event to Whoop it up in Sturgis at Hog Heaven Campground.

Our great friends from San Bernadino, CA would ride out every single year and together we would camp, cook, and party. Dusta and Al Dalton made our years of camping some of the most memorable moments in our life. We truly Love them as family and this recipe that Dusta made for us for the first time about 20 years ago, was an Annual meal at the campsite. I’ve made this many, many times over the years and this year being a Diamond Classic Rally Event, I had to share. It is with Great Pleasure I present to You:

BIKER MEATLOAF (Feeds EVERYONE) no matter how many people are around…

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3 lbs. ground beef (I usually used 5-7 during Rally)

1 onion

1 green pepper

sleeve of Ritz crackers

2 eggs

Season Salt (to taste)

Worchestershire Sauce (to taste)

Mix all ingredients and Begin the Bread Wrapping Process for the Charcoal Grill:

Layer bread slices on tin foil

Press 1/2 the meat mixture onto first layer

Fill with hashbrowns (about 2 cups and 1 cup cheddar cheese)

Top remaining meat mixture and cover with additional bread slices

Wrap entire meatloaf securely with foil

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Place on Charcoal Grill for 1 hour

FLIP and cook for additional hour

The bread will be toasted, maybe even slightly burned taking in all the grease from  the hamburger! Break open and Serve!

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THROWBACK from Rally’s Past (not in Order) Beginning with Hog Heaven’s Fixture for Many Years, Jimmy Van Zant: And Ending in Loving Memory of Al Dalton


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In Loving Memory of our Dear Friend Al Dalton We Love and Miss You

This time of Year “Especially” Good Man, Good Friend, Good to our kids and Family Always…

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